Lifecycle of a smart idea | Defending your brand online: Global enforcement strategies for a new era

48 minute read
16 February 2021

Gowling WLG Speakers:

On February 3, 2021, members of Gowling WLG's global intellectual property team presented a live webinar that examined the different ways that infringing parties can impact the control of a brand online – including by registering domain names, creating social media accounts and even masquerading as the brand owner.

Moderated by Montreal partner Melissa Tehrani, the webinar saw Gowling WLG's top intellectual property lawyers from across the globe use a case study to highlight strategies that brand owners can use to protect and enforce their rights online.

The webinar, is now available on demand along with twelve more in our Lifecycle of a Smart Idea series.

The following are some of our panelists' top tips:

Would you like to discuss these or other issues related to protecting and maximizing your intangible assets? We're all about being connected. Get in touch with your trusted Gowling WLG IP advisor.

Check our website often to register for future webinars or view past recordings in our "Lifecycle of a Smart Idea" series. The series offers a fresh look at the field of intellectual property by tracing the options and steps that occur over the lifetime of a "smart idea" – from the laboratory or the "eureka moment," to the full development, branding, advertising and promotion, exploitation and beyond. Over the course of the series we explore the full range of IP rights, all while giving you the tips and perspectives you need to maximise opportunity and minimise risk when taking your smart idea to the global market.

*This program is eligible for up to 1 hour of  substantive CPD credits with the LSO and LSBC, and may be eligible for up to 1 hour of CPD/CLE credits in other jurisdictions. 

Watch previous episodes

This is the 12th installment in our Lifecycle of a Smart Idea series, dedicated to helping you maximise opportunity and minimise risk when taking innovative ideas to the global market. Watch more from the series » 

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