ThinkHouse Digital and Data Seminar - Birmingham


Join us in Birmingham on 19 June for our ThinkHouse Digital and Data seminar. The seminar is designed for senior in-house counsel who want to take a deeper dive into legal issues to consider when using artificial intelligence (AI) tools and services.

Negotiating AI contracts

Many businesses are either procuring AI-specific tools or are alive to the fact that AI may be deployed by suppliers to provide contracted services. What do those customers need to include in their contracts with suppliers to cover use of AI? Jocelyn Paulley will look at how to manage the new issues and risks raised by the use of AI through contracts with your suppliers.

Mapping out the regulatory landscape: AI and data protection

Alexandra Gill will explore how the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) is responding to challenges posed by artificial intelligence, examining what the ICO expects from organisations looking to deploy AI tools and how organisations can comply.

AI in employment law

Androids may not yet dream of electric sheep, but employees are already having nightmares about being managed by computer. Indeed, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has published its own AI draft Bill to tame the tech even before it's arrived. What might a new government do? What law will govern the new tech in the workplace and how can employers prepare now to take advantage of artificial intelligence promises?

Managing the risks of generative AI

Since the launch of Chat GPT, AI has been on everyone's radar and the majority of businesses are now looking at how they can leverage AI to help reduce costs and improve productivity. Generative AI provides many opportunities but also poses new risks, Seiko Hidaka will highlight some of the areas to watch out for and provide tips on how to reduce and manage potential risks.

Digital advertising hot topics

Dan Smith will provide an update and refresher on the digital marketing issues you need to watch out for, including the latest on working with influencers and affiliates, and the use of generative AI to create advertising campaigns.

Pour nous joindre

Susan Barnes
Senior Corporate Communications Executive
+44 (0)121 393 0146

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