Local Line acquires Forager to accelerate sales between farms and grocery stores

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On June 20, 2023, Forager, a company focused on connecting local farmers with grocers to bring consumers healthy, locally sourced food, announced that it had been acquired by Local Line, a leading local food sourcing platform for regional food systems for North America. 

This strategic acquisition marks a significant milestone for both companies and reinforces their mutual commitment to transforming the food industry.

Local Line, headquartered in Waterloo, Ontario, is the leading commerce platform for the local food system. Local Line helps thousands of farms and food producers sell to both end consumers and enterprise food buyers. Enterprise food buyers rely on the Local Line platform for access to local farms and suppliers, and use Local Line as a way to simplify and scale local food procurement.

Forager is headquartered in Portland, Maine. The company's online and mobile platform digitizes and streamlines the procurement-to-payment process, saving time and costs for grocers, co-ops, farmers, producers, and other buyers and sellers of local food. Forager's focus is on reviving Maine's local food system and reducing carbon emissions within the supply chain.

Gowling WLG advised Local Line with respect to this acquisition with a team led by Todd Bissett, assisted by students-at-law Fabiola Alvarez, Alyssa Chen and Hilena Demelie.

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