Sushil Kuner
Principal Associate
UK Financial Services Regulation
Head of UK FinTech Accelerator
In November 2020, the Government published its Roadmap towards mandatory climate-related financial disclosures across the UK economy by 2025[1] ("the Roadmap"), aligned with the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board's Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures ("TCFD").
In support of the Roadmap, on 22 June 2021, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published proposals[2] for enhanced climate related financial disclosures by standard listed companies and the asset management sector. In this Insight, Sushil Kuner from our Financial Services Regulatory team, focuses on proposals for the asset management sector contained within the FCA's Consultation Paper 21/17 ("the CP") and summarises who the proposals apply to, the key rules being introduced and the next steps for firms.
The FCA's proposed climate-related financial disclosure rules will apply to FCA regulated firms in the asset management sector with respect to their assets managed or administered from the UK, notwithstanding where the client, product or portfolio is based. In particular, it is intended that the following firms will be in scope ("In-Scope Firms"):
The FCA has proposed an exemption for asset managers and asset owners that have less than £5 billion in assets under management ("AuM") or administration on a three year rolling average, to be assessed annually, with respect to their business activities relating to the products and portfolios subject to the proposed rules. The FCA has suggested that this threshold would capture 98% of both the UK asset management market and held by UK asset owners (covering £10.4 trillion and £1.7 trillion in assets, respectively).
The FCA's proposals relate either to the assets a firm manages or administers overall, at an entity level, or to the assets relating to particular financial products or services. The intended target audience for the disclosures are investors, including institutional clients (e.g. pension scheme trustees, employers, corporate investors) and end-user consumers (e.g. pension scheme members, retail investors). Throughout the CP, the FCA refers to these two types of investor as 'clients' and 'consumers', respectively.
The FCA's proposed rules and guidance would apply to the firm, which would be responsible for relevant disclosures at product or portfolio level.
The FCA has published proposed rules and guidance through a new 'Environmental, Social and Governance' ("ESG") Sourcebook which will be applicable to all In-Scope Firms. The proposals in the CP relate solely to climate-related disclosures, but the FCA anticipates that the ESG Sourcebook will expand over time to include new rules and guidance on other climate-related and wider ESG topics. The ESG Sourcebook will require firms to make climate-related financial disclosures at both an entity level and product or portfolio level.
The FCA has made clear that it favours retaining the largely principles-based approach in the TCFD's recommendations as the basis for its proposed entity-level disclosure rules as it views a prescriptive approach could risk stifling innovation and/or deviating from a globally-accepted disclosure framework.
Notably, where an In-Scope authorised fund manager ("AFM") delegates investment management to a third party portfolio manager which is not in the same group, the AFM will remain responsible for producing the TCFD Entity Report that sets out its approach to the TCFD's recommendations, including a signed compliance statement. The AFM must also briefly explain the reasons for selecting the delegate, where relevant to the TCFD's recommendations. This must include how climate-related matters have been taken into account in selecting delegates and relying on their products and services. While AFMs can cross-refer to relevant climate-related financial disclosures made by delegated managers within their TCFD Entity Reports, any material deviations from the firm's own approach must be clearly identified and explained.
For asset owners, the FCA is proposing that they must produce a TCFD Entity Report that sets out their approach to managing climate-related risks and opportunities for the part of their business offering products where the performance of the underlying investments impacts the benefits accruing to consumers, i.e. where a life insurer or pension provider acts as a manager or administrator of underlying assets for consumers. However, the level of detail required in the report would depend on the extent to which the asset owner takes an active role in investment decisions and product design.
The FCA has made clear that through these requirements, its intention is that clients and consumers are provided with information to help them understand the firm's approach to climate-related risks and opportunities, thereby enabling them to make informed decisions about their investments and hold their providers to account.
The proposals include a minimum baseline set of consistent, comparable product or portfolio level disclosures, included a core set of metrics. The aim would be to meet the needs of clients and consumers to have reliable and comparable information about the assets to which they have economic exposure. It also aims to support consistent onward disclosure to clients that may be subject to their own disclosure obligations.
Metric | Proposal |
Scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG emissions) | These metrics are widely used in the markets – the FCA proposes to mandate this metric from when the proposed rules come into force |
Scope 3 GHG emissions | Although widely used, the FCA acknowledges that methodologies may differ and there may be significant data gaps among investee companies. The FCA is therefore proposing that firms should disclose scope 3 emissions from no later than 30 June 2024, one year later than the deadline for the first disclosures in accordance with the remainder of the proposals |
*Total carbon emissions | As total carbon emissions are the sum of the GHG emissions above, the FCA proposes to mandate disclosure of this metric from 30 June 2024. |
*Carbon footprint | As this is a widely used metric in the market, the FCA proposes this be disclosed on a mandatory basis from when the proposed rules come into force. |
*Weighted average carbon intensity (WACI) | Given limitations with this form of carbon footprinting due to data availability, the FCA has referred to the TCFD's recommendations that asset managers and owners disclose a financed-emissions metric based on WACI and the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials ("PCAF") methodology, if relevant or a comparable methodology. The PCAF provides methodologies for asset managers, asset owners and banks to measure or estimate financed emissions for different asset classes. It also provides for alternatives solutions when data is not available. |
The FCA recognises that there are some common elements in the TCFD's recommendations and the EU's Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation ("SFDR"), including certain metrics. It also recognises that there are key differences in the calculation methodologies which are marked with an asterisk above. When prescribed calculation methodologies differ between the TCFD's recommendations and the final report on draft Regulatory Technical Standards for the SFDR, the FCA is proposing that they be reported according to the formulae under both regimes as this would promote consistency and comparability with both EU and international firms and reflect the global reach of many In-Scope Firms' AuM.
All metrics will need to be supported by contextual information to explain how they should be interpreted and any limitations and assumptions, so that disclosures are fair, clear and not misleading. The FCA is also proposing that metrics be accompanied by a historical time series for comparison, after the first year that product or portfolio-level climate disclosures are reported in accordance with FCA rules.
The FCA is proposing a phased implementation beginning with the largest, most interconnected firms, having two phases of implementation as follows:
The CP is open for consultation until 10 September 2021. Responses to the CP can be submitted via the FCA's online response form on its website[4] or by emailing the FCA at
If you have any questions as to how the proposals may impact your business, feel free to get in touch.
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[1] Roadmap towards mandatory climate-related disclosures
[2] CP21/17: Enhancing climate-related disclosures by asset managers, life insurers and FCA-regulated pension providers and CP21/18 Enhancing climate-related disclosures by standard listed companies
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