Gowling WLG is pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Jon-Paul Powers to its Food & Beverage Group as a partner and scientific adviser. Based in the firm's Ottawa office, Powers will leverage his strong scientific consulting background to assist clients with a range of issues with respect to food, drugs and natural health products.

Powers holds a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology from the University of British Columbia, and has extensive experience conducting scientific reviews, advising on intricate regulatory and compliance matters and working with legal counsel to help companies bring products to market across different jurisdictions.

Prior to joining the private sector, Powers worked as an assessment officer and unit head with Health Canada's Natural and Non-prescription Health Products Directorate, where his responsibilities included evaluating clinical trials and product license applications. Most recently, he served as founder and president of Split Science Inc., a Toronto-based regulatory consultancy.

"A strategic thinker and problem-solver, Jon-Paul excels at guiding businesses through complex product regulatory regimes," said Peter Lukasiewicz, CEO of Gowling WLG Canada. "With his advanced scientific background and first-hand experience working within government, Jon-Paul is ideally equipped to help our clients bring their products to market safely and efficiently."

Outside of his consulting practice, Powers is a member of the board of directors of the Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) and currently chairs both the CHFA's Government Relations Committee and Natural Health Products Regulatory Affairs Advisory Council.

"Gowling WLG's holistic, client-first approach to regulatory law, coupled with its global reach, makes the firm a natural choice for the next stage of my career," said Powers. "I'm excited to begin working with my new colleagues to deliver industry-specific solutions and successful outcomes to the firm's clients."

The Gowling WLG Food & Beverage Group has the expertise and experience to manage a broad spectrum of regulatory concerns affecting the manufacturing, processing, marketing, advertising, sale distribution and recall of foods, beverages and natural health products. Our professionals frequently work with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Health Canada, the Competition Bureau, Advertising Standards Canada and other governmental and self-regulatory agencies to support and represent our clients' matters.