Kenneth Warren, QC, a Calgary-based partner with more than 30 years' experience, has been elected by the benchers as president-elect of the Law Society of Alberta. He will assume the role on February 25, 2021, and will take over as president in late-February, 2022.

The Law Society of Alberta regulates the legal profession in the public interest by promoting and enforcing a high standard of professional and ethical conduct among Alberta lawyers. More than 10,000 lawyers are currently practising in the province, which is also home to roughly 500 articling students.

"I am honoured to be elected by my fellow benchers as president-elect," said Warren. "We are about to close the first year of an ambitious five-year strategic plan, which was rolled-out in a challenging pandemic environment.

"The four goals of that plan – innovative & proactive regulation; competence & wellness; access; and equity, diversity & inclusion – will continue to guide our ongoing work," added Warren, who joined the Law Society of Alberta Board in 2018, and has been an active member of various Law Society committees since 1993.

At Gowling WLG, Warren practises in the area of commercial dispute resolution, with a focus on shareholder disputes, professional liability defence, executive employment law and mediation. He previously served as Gowling WLG office managing partner in Calgary for nine years, stepping-down in 2015.