Gowling WLG is pleased to announce the launch of the firm's Hydrogen Group, an international team of lawyers and intellectual property professionals who have significant experience advising clients in one of the world's most dynamic energy sectors.

"This is an exciting step for our firm, and I'm thrilled to see Gowling WLG embrace hydrogen as a key aspect of our energy practice," said Toronto-based partner Myron Dzulynsky, co-leader of the new practice alongside partner and co-head of the firm's energy sector Gareth Baker in London. "Our team has been advising clients in this industry since its nascent days, and we're eager to tackle new projects with industry and government professionals alike," Dzulynsky added.

Well-versed in infrastructure, power, mining, and oil and gas, the Hydrogen Group also has experience assisting international clients in all phases of project development, including agreement negotiations, construction, financing, claims management, dispute resolution and regulatory matters – all of which are highly relevant to hydrogen production and transmission.

Additionally, lawyers practising in the Hydrogen Group maintain direct lines to regulators. "We know the regulators who will be on the front lines implementing and applying any new regulations around hydrogen, and we understand their thinking and distinct approaches," said Dzulynsky.

The Hydrogen Group has formed as many global economies pivot toward energy production, transmission and distribution with a lower carbon footprint. In April, Canada launched its first "hydrogen hub" in Alberta, and is striving toward a goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. In the UK, the government has brought forward targets pledging to cut carbon emissions by 78% by 2035, ahead of the nation hosting the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in November of 2021.

On both sides of the Atlantic, Gowling WLG has garnered a strong reputation in this sector, having helped a wide variety of clients realize some of the most innovative and impactful global hydrogen and clean fuels projects and acquisitions to date.

Recently, the firm served as counsel to US-based Cummins Inc. on its cross-border acquisition of Hydrogenics Corporation, a fuel cell and hydrogen production technologies provider. The firm also advised Canadian company NEXT Hydrogen on patents related to hydrogen electrolysers used in renewable wind technology. In the UK, the firm is acting as counsel to a major investment fund focused on the hydrogen market and has acted for a leading energy investor on its seed investment into a green hydrogen project developer.

"When it comes to energy, including hydrogen, we're committed to thinking long-term and understanding new technologies as they emerge, both in the UK and around the world," said Baker. "At Gowling WLG, our ambition is to help our clients navigate the clean energy transition and support them with whatever new opportunities it presents."