Originally published in Condoadvisor.ca. Republished with permission. 

While there had been a bit of a lull in the implementation of the amendments to the Condo Act since the change of the guard at Queen's Park, things have not come to a screeching halt. The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services has released new continuing education requirement for some condo managers. These changes do not affect all managers but are effective immediately.

Who do these new requirements apply to?

These new education requirements apply to condo managers who were granted a General Licence and who completed their educational and examination requirements prior to November 1, 2017.  This new Continuing Education for Condo Manager General Licence Renewal (2019) is required to ensure that condo managers operating with a General Licence (who have met their educational and examination requirement prior to the changes to the Condo Act) have up-to-date knowledge of these changes and fully understand their new obligations and responsibilities as licensed condo managers.

It is expected that the other managers are taking the necessary training in the context of the current licensing process. 

What are the changes

Condo managers impacted by these changes will have to successfully complete new continuing education requirements in order to renew their General Licence in 2019. This new training program will be provided online by the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario.  The new education program will consist of three educational webinars and a multiple choice test.

How much will the training cost?

The ACMO website indicate that the online webinar training will cost $125 + HST.  Those paying this fee will be granted an unlimited 24-week access to the three webinars and one writing of the test. Any additional Test Writing will cost $40 + HST.  Those purchasing the Additional Test Writing will be granted an additional 24-week access to the webinars.

When must you complete the training by?

This new Continuing Education requirement is effective as of October 18, 2018 (the notice came out today). Managers affected by this change will be required to successfully complete these training prior to the renewal of your General Licence in 2019.  Renewal deadline is expected to be June 30, 2019 – as regular licence year runs from July 1 to June 30 of each year.

To ensure you successfully complete the training on time, you may want to tackle it earlier rather than later and not wait until the last minute.

More information

More information can be access by following the following 2 links: