Before the summer of 2023, The Lawyer, in association with Gowling WLG, conducted an online survey of in-house legal teams as a continuation of its historical In-House Sentiment Survey.

More than 200 responses were collected, well balanced across a range of sectors. The survey focused on five key areas:

  • Respondents' legal department
  • Working culture
  • Current economic and business confidence;
  • The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and technology
  • Relationships with private practice law firms.

The survey results and qualitative interviews in this report have been presented in a summary form.

The survey will be repeated in late 2023 to measure how opinions and attitudes of in-house legal teams have changed.

For further discussion about the results and more information about the In-House Sentiment Survey please contact David Lowe or Emma Carr.

To download the full report exploring all the findings, enter your details below.