Gowling WLG's Cannabis Group has won the 'Law Firm of the Year' award at the Business of Cannabis Awards 2024 which took place in London.

The awards honor individuals and organisations that have made significant contributions to the cannabis industry. From groundbreaking innovations to impactful research, it recognises excellence in various categories.

Gowling WLG was acknowledged for the high number of commercial transactions it has advised on over the past year, working with leading cannabis companies.

Samantha Myers, head of UK Cannabis Group at Gowling WLG, said: "This is fantastic recognition for all the hard work and dedication the team has put in. We were shortlisted against some reputable law firms, so to have won amongst that company is hugely rewarding. Congratulations to all the team and a big thank you to our clients and supporters! We will use this success to build upon in the year ahead."

At Gowling WLG, the Cannabis Group helps a wide range of cannabis industry participants manage the regulatory and commercial frameworks shaping the sector. They work closely with entities from other sectors that are looking to leverage the growth opportunities presented by cannabis.