On March 21, Stephen Pike, Co-Leader of Gowling WLG's Canadian ESG Advisory Services practice, gave testimony before the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights on Bill S-211, The Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act. Introduced in November 2021, the Bill has already passed Second Reading in the Senate and is currently being studied by the Standing Committee on Human Rights.

If passed, the Bill would impose an obligation on certain government institutions and private sector entities to report on the measures that they have taken to prevent and reduce the risk that forced labour or child labour is used by them or in their supply chains. It would also amend the Customs Tariff to create a prohibition of imported goods manufactured or produced, in whole or in part, by child labour.

In recent years, Pike has emerged as a respected thought leader and consultant on the topic of forced or compulsory labour (often referred to as "modern slavery") in supply chains. He is frequently invited to speak on these issues to businesses, boards of directors, legal organizations and media. In late 2021, he presented to the All Party Parliamentary Group to End Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking - a group comprising Members of Parliament and Senators formed to raise awareness of, and bring an end to, such practices.

About Gowling WLG's ESG Advisory Services Practice

Gowling WLG's team is fully engaged in developments around ESG. Comprising of lawyers working across practice areas in our international offices, the team provides a wide spectrum of advice helping clients to understand their responsibilities and identify where risks and opportunities may lie. Learn more about Gowling WLG's ESG Advisory Services Practice.