With the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020 fast approaching and the risk of a 'no-deal' between the UK and EU continuing to increase, it's more important than ever for businesses to be prepared for all eventualities.

To support our clients in their planning, our Brexit Task Force has created a new guide that addresses the key challenges and concerns, including trade and customs compliance, workforce, supply chain and regulation.

A recent survey we conducted about businesses' Brexit planning found that nearly 80% said that the UK leaving the EU without a trade deal in place would be the most disruptive scenario for their business. Yet despite this, we found that more than one in ten businesses still have not done any Brexit planning and 20% say COVID-19 has delayed their preparations.

The Government's own survey on business readiness, the results of which Michael Gove announced last month, found that only 24% of businesses say they are fully ready for the end of transition and 43% still believed the transition period would be extended.

Careful and thorough planning is crucial in the coming months to ensure the future success of your business, whatever the outcome after 31 December.

In addition to the Brexit guide, we're offering clinic sessions for our clients where our experts can advise on how best to prepare. Contact our Brexit Task Force to find out more.