In this interview with Lexpert, Stephen Pike, a Toronto-based partner at Gowling WLG and co-leader of the firm's Canadian ESG Advisory Services practice, discusses the foundations and increasing importance of ESG, including:

  • Identifying stakeholders and how they're involved with ESG
  • Unpacking the shifting responsibilities of directors vis-à-vis ESG
  • Looking at how social or "S" issues are becoming critical for businesses

Questions covered in the interview:

  • What is ESG?
  • Who are stakeholders and how are they involved?
  • What are the primary duties of directors regarding ESG?
  • Can you give an example of how directors are exercising their fiduciary duties with respect to ESG?
  • Can you provide an example of an "S" issue that has become critical for Canadian businesses to address?
  • What about in the United States?