Ginevra Saylor, Director of Innovation and Knowledge Programs at Gowling WLG, has been elected as the new president of the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA). The seating of ILTA's new 2021-2023 Board of Directors was announced following the conclusion of the association's recent Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Based in Gowling WLG's Toronto office, Saylor leads the firm's strategy with respect to innovation, knowledge management (KM), learning and development, legal project management, client and practice solutions, and process re-engineering. She also has extensive and wide-ranging experience as a litigator and educator, and is a frequent speaker on legal practice, innovation, legal technology, KM and related topics.

Saylor's involvement with ILTA spans over 20 years and includes past volunteer leadership roles as editor of ILTA's Annual Knowledge Management White Paper, editor of the KM Blog, ILTACON committee member, Information Governance Content Coordinating team member, and KM steering committee member. Saylor was also the winner of the ILTA 2016 Publications Shining Star Award.

"Perhaps the most exciting prospect for me is having an opportunity to mentor newly elected directors in their first term," said Saylor regarding her new role as ILTA president. "Mentoring others and helping them succeed has always been an important and gratifying part of my professional, community, and personal life."

Regarding her vision for the future of ILTA, she states, "How, where, and by whom legal services are delivered is in constant flux. The hierarchy within law firms is crumbling; client service teams now include professionals from law, technology, project management, knowledge management, data science, and more. The way ILTA's current members work with ILTA's business partners is continuing to change, with the line between consumer and vendor blurring, and more collaborative and partnership relationships developing."

About ILTA

The International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) serves the professional needs of more than 25,000 international legal technology professionals and their organizations. Since its founding in 1980, the association's focus is to achieve results for its membership and the legal technology profession at large. Much of the value it provides as an association occurs through the coordinated efforts with its global volunteer membership teams.

About Gowling WLG

Gowling WLG is an international law firm built on the belief that the best way to serve you is to be in tune with your world, aligned with your opportunity and ambitious for your success. With more than 1,500 legal professionals in offices across Canada, the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, we provide our clients with in-depth knowledge in key global sectors and a suite of legal services at home and abroad. We see the world through our clients' eyes, and collaborate across countries, offices, service areas and sectors to help them succeed, no matter how challenging the circumstances.