Maïka Prémont-Noël is a summer law student in Gowling WLG's Montréal office. She will start articling with the firm in 2024.
Maïka will be entering her third year of a bachelor of civil law degree (LLB) at the Université de Montréal.
While in university, Maïka serves as a student clinician at the Mobile Legal Clinic, where she provides legal advice to users and supports them with their legal process. In addition, she has participated in the Blakes Competition on corporate governance and economic crime.
As a student, she also worked at a business law firm and was a member of a debate team during her college years.
Maïka is the recipient of many scholarships and awards for academic excellence, including the Université de Montréal's Admission Scholarship, the Honour Roll at Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf and the Governor General's Academic Medal.