Gowling WLG to waive its fee to become Agent of Record on the Canadian designation of your Madrid Protocol trademark application

14 July 2020

Do you plan to designate Canada in your next application for an international trademark registration? If so, we would like to help. In recognition of the impact of COVID-19 and these challenging times, Gowling WLG's trademark team is pleased to announce that they will waive the fee associated with the appointment of our firm as Agent of Record on your Canadian filing.

As of June 17, 2019, it is now possible to designate Canada on your application for an international trademark registration under the Madrid Protocol. Appointing a Canadian agent on your Madrid designation in Canada is highly recommended. In practice, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) will not correspond with a foreign agent nor will it deposit all communications with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). By way of example, subsequent examination reports, notices of default, and approvals will not be deposited with WIPO. Without an appointed Canadian agent, only an applicant will receive correspondence directly from CIPO.

Importantly, CIPO examines every application on absolute and relative grounds and in most cases will issue an examination report making certain requests or objections. Unless an applicant is self-represented, they must appoint a Canadian trademark agent to correspond with CIPO.

In light of the current economic climate due to COVID-19, we are pleased to announce that Gowling WLG will waive the fee associated with its appointment of agent on a Canadian designation. Your duly appointed Gowling WLG trademark representative will then receive, report and, with your instruction, carry out any other procedural steps required by CIPO. This will reduce the risk of missed deadlines or inadvertent loss of rights with respect to a Canadian application.

For more information, please get in touch with your local Gowling WLG trademark professional or email ipinfo@gowlingwlg.com.