COVID-19: How will coronavirus impact your business?

The outbreak of the new coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 has left every business uncertain of the future.

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Health and wellbeing

With health and wellbeing one of the most important workplace issues for employers, the current climate has made this now more important than ever.

People's home and work lives collided and despite the challenges this brought, we are seeing some great examples of new ways of doing things. All businesses are adapting to the 'new normal' and showing flexibility by changing working patterns, operating in different ways, innovating products and services and more. The biggest change, of course, has been the move to a more virtual world, with increased numbers working from home.

In this new environment, the need to refocus business priorities is vital, but so are people issues; ensuring we connect while working remotely and maintain our health and wellbeing.

We are all managing many more issues as employers and, for families and those with dependents, juggling new roles and responsibilities; be they caring for others, home schooling isolating children and supporting those at most risk in our communities. Here, we have pulled together a central resource of tools and information to help manage some of these issues and address common questions we are coming across among our people and clients.

We hope you find these tools and resources helpful. We all have a real opportunity to embrace a positive mind-set and new approaches as we respond to the changes around us.

How can you embrace health and wellbeing?

The spread of COVID-19 will naturally provoke feelings of uncertainty and fear and be felt by individuals in different ways. How we acknowledge and respond to these is something we can control, with support, and we have identified here a few helpful resources:

What 'top tips' are there for working from home?

There are many ideas being shared on how to support effective home working, particularly as businesses begin to adopt hybrid approaches in the new normal. Putting good practices in place now will bring long-term benefits; both in terms of productivity and your physical and mental wellbeing. A selection of our tips are:

What guidance is there on managing with children in the house?

For families, the move to home working means adapting to balance work, home schooling and home. Fortunately, lots of free resources are being made available online. See our top tips:

Exercise and fun

The benefits of exercise on both our physical and mental wellbeing is widely recognised. Staying fit and healthy is now more important than ever to ensure we are resilient and maintain a positive outlook in response to change. Feedback from our people and clients has shown there are many new things people are trying in order to build exercise into their daily routine. Some of the fun resources we have come across are: