Brenda L. Pritchard
Canada is entering an era of renewed growth and vitality for Aboriginal people, on the strength of modern entrepreneurship, court decisions affirming pre-existing Aboriginal rights, and an insistence that reconciliation between the Crown and Aboriginal peoples is a necessary part of this new era. First Nations-operated hospitality, tourism, and gaming ventures have been among the most successful. Although gaming has the potential to impact communities negatively, some First Nations organizations have hit the jackpot, so to speak, and discovered the steady source of revenue, employment opportunities, and infrastructure development that gaming can bring to a community.
Read the full article - Betting on Reconciliation: Law, Self-Governance, and First Nations Economic Development in Canada.
This article was originally published in Gaming Law Review and Economics, April 2011, 15(4): 203-215 and is republished with the permission of the publisher.
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