Greg Standing
Head of Enterprise Risk Management
This article was originally published on Motor Finance in April 2016.
A year on from the FCA's vulnerability discussion paper, the Financial Services Vulnerability Taskforce has published a report outlining best practice recommendations for the financial services industry when dealing with customers in vulnerable circumstances. The aim is to ensure that all customers, including those in vulnerable circumstances, receive a responsive and flexible service and products that are appropriate to their needs.
Some of the vulnerable circumstances identified in the report's case studies include customers suffering from severe or long term illness, bereavement, dyslexia or learning difficulties and recommendation for firms when dealing with relatives of vulnerable people or the terminally ill.
The report highlights the importance of the first interaction with such customers and the need to pick up key signs at an early stage so appropriate action can be taken to prevent problems from escalating.
Nine high-level principles intended to improve outcomes for customers in vulnerable circumstances are identified in the report:
These principles are accompanied by a number of specific recommendations to improve outcomes for customers in vulnerable circumstances, including training and empowering staff. The Taskforce hopes firms will consider and translate the principles and recommendations into their own improved practices.
The report acknowledges that the financial services sector is diverse and individual firms will differ in their processes and systems due to their size, product offering, customer base and operating model but considers that the recommendations and principles could apply to all firms. Some firms may well need to make adaptations to current business processes to enable staff to detect and properly record signs of vulnerability and to ensure they tailor their interactions with such customers to meet their individual circumstances.
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