Jonathan Chamberlain
On 10 October 2024, the Government published the Employment Rights Bill 2024, promised within the first 100 days of the new Parliament with reforms including measures on ‘exploitative’ zero-hours contracts and ‘fire and rehire’ practices, and establishing protection from unfair dismissal, as well as entitlement to sick pay and parental leave rights from day one of employment.
As is apparent from the Government press release, this is only the start. Despite the Bill being 158 pages long, much of the crucial detail regarding the actual implementation of the Bill's provisions and what this will mean for employers will be subject to further consultation. The majority of reforms will take effect no earlier than 2026 with the unfair dismissal reforms taking effect no sooner than autumn 2026, although some trade union reforms to come into force two months after the Bill is passed.
On 26 November 2024, the Government tabled a number of amendments to the Bill, while some of the amendments are simply technical amendments to some of the Bill's provisions others are more significant tweaks such as making it a presumption that a zero-house contract is not for a limited term. We also have some very significant whole new provisions, such as the increase in the time limits for bringing an employment tribunal claim from three to six months.
While Government tabled amendments are highly likely to make it into the final version of the Act, we also have a number of MP proposed amendments, largely by Liberal Democrat MPs. MP proposals are for the large part proposed to highlight an issue but are usually withdrawn. On occasion, the Government may accept that a particular MP has a point and adopt (usually in amended form) the proposed amendment.
The Employment Rights Bill (ERB) completed the Committee stage on 16 January 2025 and the updated version of the ERB published on 27 January – now up to 199 pages. Over the course of 20 sittings, the Committee scrutinised the text of the draft ERB and considered more than 200 amendments. All the Government amendments have been agreed by the Committee. Many of the amendments are technical in nature though some are substantial such as the increase the limitation period for employment tribunal claims from three to six months.
The ERB will now progress to its Report Stage and Third Reading. Further amendments may be considered at the Report Stage as selected by the Speaker of the House of Commons. No dates have yet been set for those stages.
In this article, we explore the Employment Rights Bill 2024 and other reforms keeping a close eye on legislative, consultation and political process and provide a continuous update on what is likely to happen and when, and what this will mean for you as an employer.
Be sure to bookmark this web page to see our regular updates on the latest developments.
This content is correct and up to date as of 3 February 2025.
We will continue to provide updated on this page when new developments occur. To ensure you do not miss an update from our team, sign up to our employment mailing list.
We will continue to provide updated on this page when new developments occur. To ensure you do not miss an update from our team, sign up to our employment mailing list.
Listen to our Employment Partners as they discuss the latest employment law changes and Labour's 'Plan to Make Work Pay' in this episode of our Employment Essentials podcast.
Before turning to the 'what?', we start with the 'when?'. The Bill itself is expected to be passed before the summer recess. However, as set out in the 'Next Steps to Make Work Pay', much of the detail on many of the policies in the Bill will be provided through implementing regulations, and in some cases codes of practice, which will need further consultation. The Government expects to begin consulting on these reforms in 2025. As for coming into force, a small number of the changes relating to trade union law reform, are to come into force two months after the Bill is passed. However, the majority of the changes will not be brought into force before 2026 with the changes to unfair dismissal qualifying periods not before autumn 2026.
The Government has now begun consulting on measures in the Bill requiring more detail. On the 21 October, four consultation documents were published regarding the proposed reforms: zero-hours contract, collective redundancy consultation, trade union and industrial action reform (which run until 2 December 2024), and statutory sick pay (which runs until 4 December 2024). More to follow as and when the Government responses to these consultations are published.
A ban on 'exploitative' zero-hour contracts ensuring workers have a right to a contract that reflects the number of hours they regularly work. The policy also includes giving workers "reasonable notice" of any shift changes and compensation for any cancelled or curtailed shifts.
The Bill's provisions
The Bill when passed will insert new sections 27BA to 27BT into the Employment Rights Act 1996, resulting in complex provisions.
1. Right for qualifying workers to be offered guaranteed hours
Employers will be required to offer a guaranteed hours contract (GHC) to 'zero-hour' or 'low-hours' workers after the end of every reference period. Essentially, the new right will apply to a 'zero' or 'low' hours worker who, during a relevant reference period, worked a number of hours that satisfy certain conditions in respect of number, regularity or otherwise.
This right will apply to those employed by the same employer under one or more worker's contracts (whether or not continuously) in the relevant period.
For qualifying workers, the employer will be obliged, subject to certain exceptions, to make an offer of guaranteed hours after the end of every relevant reference period that reflects the hours they worked during that reference period.
The new provisions will allow for a 'guaranteed hours offer' to be of a limited term but only where there is a reasonable 'limiting event', for example upon completion of a task for which the worker was employed or where the employee was employed to cover another worker's leave, and the worker on leave returns, or the employer reasonably considers there is only a temporary need.
Important detail being is left to implementing regulations includes:
2. Right to reasonable notice of a shift
What is 'reasonable' will depend on all the circumstances of a case. It is to be presumed, unless the contrary is shown, that notice of a shift will not be reasonable notice if it is given less than a specified amount of time (to be set out in subsequent implementing regulations) before the shift is due to start.
3. Right to reasonable notice of cancellation of or change to a shift
Employers must give workers reasonable notice if they cancel a shift or change the day or time.
It is to be presumed, unless the contrary is shown, that notice will not be reasonable notice if it is given less than a specified amount of time (to be set out in subsequent implementing regulations) before the shift would have started or on or after the start of the shift.
4. Right to payment for cancelled, moved and curtailed shifts
Employers will be under a duty to make a payment, of an amount to be specified in subsequent implementing regulations to a worker each time there is a cancellation, movement (i.e., a delay or bringing forward of a shift), or curtailment at short notice of a qualifying shift that the worker has agreed to work for the employer.
Important detail being left to implementing regulations includes:
5. None of the above applies in relation to agency workers, though the Bill does give Secretary of State power to make regulations giving agency workers corresponding rights in relation to rights to guaranteed hours, notice of shifts and payment for short notice changes to shifts.
6. The Act repeals of the Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023
Committee Stage accepted amendments
Having been accepted at Committee Stage the Bill now also includes:
The above provisions are intended to end one-sided flexibility, ensuring that jobs provide a baseline of financial security and contractual predictability so workers can better plan their lives and finances. We await the consultation on important elements such as what constitutes 'low hours' contracts and what will be the requirements of a 'guaranteed hours offer', the Government has stated it will also ensure that
The 'who' question
Just where the threshold will be set for those considered to be working on a 'low-hours' contracts will significantly shape the impact of these provisions. If a low threshold is set, for example six hours per week then many employers would simply guarantee workers three hours work. If the threshold were to be set at 18 hours per week, then the provisions will have much greater impact. Many part-time workers would be in scope and employers would have to monitor any additional hours they worked very carefully.
The 'reference period' question
What the reference period will be, is also an important issue for consultation. While the Bill is silent on the definition of the 'reference period', in the "Next Steps to Make Work Pay" the Government favours a 12-week rolling reference period. But such a reference period may make it difficult to account to for seasonal variations in workloads? This will be an important consultation. It should be remembered that zero-hours contracts are not being banned altogether. While employers will be required to make a 'guaranteed hours offer', it can be for a limited term where reasonable. Having said that, the employer will need to rebut the presumption that it is not for a limited term. Would significant seasonal variation be sufficient to rebut the presumption?
Worker's choice
The worker will not be obliged to accept the offer, thereby retaining full flexibility on the worker's part. The Government states that it appreciates that zero-hours contracts can work well for some individuals, such as students and those with caring responsibilities, so those who are offered guaranteed hours will be able to remain on zero-hours contracts should they wish.
Next steps - Consultation on agency workers
It is important to note that agency workers are not included under the provisions although the Secretary of State is being given the power to make regulations in future to extend such protections to agency workers.
On 21 October 2024, the Government opened the 'Consultation on the application of zero hours contracts measures to agency workers' which closed on 2 December 2024. We await the Government response to the consultation.
This consultation was not about whether the measures aimed at zero hours and low hours workers should be extended to agency workers. Instead, it sought views on how to apply the new proposed measures to agency workers, in particular:
Option 1: the employment agency – but recognise difficulty in demand forecasting; or
Option 2: the end hirer – but risks then becoming the de facto employer altering the nature of the relationship. Also, a trigger for 'temp-to-perm' transferring fees (a common contractual fee imposed on a hirer if they directly employ a worker that the agency had initially provided).
The above will be a particularly tricky issue. The Recruitment and Employment Confederation have expressed strong concerns on this issue before a House Committee inquiry. The REC are arguing against the removal of the two-sided flexible model of engagement and pointing out that agency workers are already have protections under the Agency Workers Regulations 2010.
Next steps
The consultation on the outstanding detail is awaited. The one thing that is sure, is that the legislative provisions as currently drafted are extremely complex and the Government amendments now added to the Bill only add to that complexity. As how workable these provisions will be, we await the outcome of the consultation and subsequent detailed implementing regulations.
These provisions are not expected to come into force "earlier than 2026". Given the need for extensive and significant substantive regulations with further consultation, 2026 may prove to be optimistic.
The Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act 2023 provides for a statutory right to up to 12 weeks paid neonatal care leave for eligible employed parents whose new-born baby is admitted to neonatal care. This is in addition to other leave entitlements such as maternity and paternity leave. The 2023 Act is largely an enabling Act, with much of the detail of the rights left to further regulations.
On 20 January 2025, the Government published the draft substantive implementing regulations to come into force on 6 April 2025 (The Neonatal Care Leave and Miscellaneous Amendments Regulations 2025 and The Statutory Neonatal Care Pay (General) Regulations 2025).
Neonatal Care Leave will apply:
Neonatal Care Leave Pay
The statutory Code of Practice on Dismissal and Re-engagement devised under the previous Conservative Government came into force on 18 July 2024. The new Code sets out how employers should act when:
Employers are expected to consult employees and explore alternative options, without raising the prospect of dismissal unreasonably early or using the threat of dismissal as a negotiating tactic to put undue pressure on employees.
Notably, the Code states that "the employer should contact Acas for advice before raising the prospect of dismissal and re-engagement". Failure to follow the Code could result in a 25% uplift to compensation awards in relevant cases including unfair dismissal and discrimination. A notable omission from the list of clams to which a 25% uplift can apply are protective awards for failure to collectively consult on collective redundancies. The pre-election proposed addition of protective awards unfortunately failed to gain House of Lords' approval before the general election.
On 2 December 2024, a new The Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (Amendment of Schedule A2) Order 2024 was made providing for the 25% uplift to apply to protective awards for failure to collectively consult on collective redundancies from 20 January 2025. As transitional provisions have not been included, an uplift or reduction could potentially apply in any pending claims to which the Code applies, not just new claims brought since 20 January 2025. (Note: the Code does not apply where the prospect of fire and re-hire was raised with employees or their representatives before 18 July 2024.)
See above for future reform under the Employment Rights Bill to further strengthen the Code.
The 'Next Steps to Make Work Pay' confirms this Bill will:
Next steps
The Government will begin consulting on this legislation in "due course", with a draft bill to be published during this parliamentary session for pre-legislative scrutiny.
Further consultation will also take place prior to the making of secondary legislation implementing these reforms.
As regards pay gap reporting, finding a methodology resulting in meaningful data is no easy task. Simply cutting and pasting the methodology used in gender pay gap reporting is unlikely to be suitable due to small statistical group issues and issues around classification of those of differing ethnicities/disabilities.
How comparisons for equal pay claims are to be made across a wide range of race-based identities and very different forms of disability will also be a challenging.
The consultation period and lead in time is likely to be considerable.
We expect there to be more changes coming for employment law in the next few months as the new governmental policies and legislation take shape.
Our Employment team is at the forefront of these changes, challenges and opportunities that will affect businesses, employers and employees. We will continue to provide updates on this page when new developments occur.
To ensure you do not miss an update from our team, sign up to our employment updates, or contact a member of our Employment team for more guidance.
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