Mandats représentatifs
CFHI and CPSI complete amalgamation
On October 1, 2020, the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement ("CFHI"), a non-profit and non-partisan organization based in Ottawa, Ontario, and the Canadian Patient Safety Institute ("CPSI") completed their previously announced amalgamation.
CFHI and CPSI have complementary mandates and goals as pan-Canadian quality and safety improvement organizations, as well as shared stakeholders. The amalgamation creates a single quality and safety organization with an expanded capacity to improve healthcare for everyone in Canada.
Gowling WLG advised CFHI with respect to this transaction with a team that included Cynthia Elderkin (corporate), Carole Chouinard and Neil McCormick (charities and not-for-profits) and Douglas Fyfe and Julia Werneburg (trademarks).
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