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Gowling WLG advises Knight Frank IM on £15 million retail site portfolio purchase
A team of real estate experts from international law firm Gowling WLG has advised KFIM Long Income Property Unit Trust (KFIM LIPUT) on its £15 million purchase of four retail assets from Manchester developer, Northold Group.
The four assets are convenience retail driven assets and all four are occupied by Co-op Group Food; delivering long term income-generating investments for KFIM.
The team from Gowling WLG provided advice on the four assets and acted for KFIM LIPUT on all the purchase documentation to ensure the transaction ran smoothly. It is also familiar ground for Felicity Lindsay, the partner who led on the advice: in 2020, she acted for KFIM LIPUT when it purchased two petrol filling station assets from Northold Group.
Commenting on the advice to KFIM, Felicity Lindsay said:
"Consolidated purchases such as this are becoming more popular in the long income space, as buyers recognise significant post-pandemic value across a range of asset classes. We're pleased to have helped KFIM LIPUT make this deal a reality."
Felicity was joined in advising KFIM by consultant, Tim Steele and senior associate, Claudia Orpin.
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