Mandats représentatifs
Gowling WLG advises Reorg on acquisition of Aggredium Finance Limited
A team of tech sector specialists from Gowling WLG has advised Reorg, a global provider of financial and legal intelligence, on its acquisition of Aggredium Finance Limited, a specialist in European sub-investment grade credit bond and loan data.
Aggredium is a UK incorporated company which specialises in combining human diligence with technological innovation to create next level analytics for the leveraged finance market. The company was founded in 2017 by Stefan Binder, Karolis Devyžis and Arnas Naruševičius, three experienced international analysts and bankers.
Reorg is a global provider of credit intelligence, data and analytics. Their unique editorial approach combines reporting with financial and legal analysis to provide a holistic view of topical situations and delivers that view in real time through their proprietary platform and email new alerts. With offices on three continents, Reorg serves more than 20,000 professionals across the world's leading hedge funds, asset managers, investment banks, law firms, professional services, advisors and corporations.
Davey Brennan, corporate partner and co-chair of global tech at Gowling WLG, led a cross firm team advising Reorg on the transaction, supported by principal associate Alex Davidson.
Davey said: "Our 300-strong global tech group is accustomed to advising our clients on cross-border tech deals and we were delighted to support our longstanding client Reorg on this deal. The acquisition, which is part of Reorg's global growth strategy, further strengthens the company's already strong position in the leveraged finance market. We wish Reorg all the very best with this new venture."
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