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Gowling WLG advises Round Hill Music Fund on significant US $282 million acquisition
The market leading investment funds team at international law firm Gowling WLG has advised Round Hill Music Royalty Fund Limited ("Round Hill Music Fund") on its US $281,860,320 acquisition of a portfolio of iconic music copyrights.
The portfolio acquired includes music copyrights from artists such as the Beatles, Marvin Gaye, Celine Dion, Rod Stewart, Phil Collins, James Brown, The Offspring, Kiss, Back Street Boys and many more. Gowling WLG worked in conjunction with US firm Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP in connection with the acquisition.
In November 2020, Gowling WLG advised Round Hill Music Fund on its IPO and follow on placing which raised US $328 million in aggregate.
Corporate partners Nick Heather and John Reed advised Round Hill Music Fund.
Nick said "Round Hill are delivering on the promises they made at the time of the IPO and we look forward to working with them in the future as they execute on a significant pipeline of investment opportunities in an exciting asset class."
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