Mandats représentatifs
Gowling WLG advises on Greatland Gold PLC's $16 million secondary fundraising
The capital markets team at law firm Gowling WLG has advised Berenberg (joint broker) and Canaccord (joint broker), as joint bookrunners on Greatland Gold PLC's $16 million placing, subscription and retail offer.
AIM-listed Greatland Gold PLC is a mining development and exploration company and the investment will be used to fast track its Havieron gold mine development in Western Australia.
The team from Gowling WLG that provided advice in relation to the listing was led by corporate partner Charles Bond, supported by principal associate Alex Davidson and paralegal Anna Samokhina.
With offices across Canada, the UK, Europe, Russia, Asia and the Middle East - as well as an established network of professionals in South Africa, Australia and South America – Gowling WLG utilises its understanding of local markets to navigate issues across multiple jurisdictions. Armed with deep industry knowledge, our mining lawyers deliver sophisticated solutions tailored to the commercial and practical realities of your business. Our sector-focused advice covers all areas of corporate and financial law, commercial law and the various forms of dispute resolution.
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