Mandats représentatifs
Aura Minerals closes acquisition of Big River Gold
On September 22, 2022, Aura Minerals Inc. (TSX: ORA) (B3: AURA33) ("Aura" or the "Company") announced that it had closed the previously announced acquisition of Big River Gold Limited.
Moving forward, the Borborema Gold Project, located in Brazil, being Big River's sole asset, will be held pursuant to a joint venture among Aura and Dundee Resources Limited ("Dundee") with Aura holding an 80% interest and Dundee holding the remaining 20% interest.
Aura is a mid-tier gold and copper production company focused on the development and operation of gold and base metal projects in the Americas. The Company's producing assets include gold mines in Honduras and Brazil and a copper-gold-silver mine in Mexico. In addition, the Company has three additional gold projects in Brazil and one gold project in Colombia.
Gowling WLG was Canadian counsel to Aura with respect to the acquisition of Big River and the formation of the joint venture with Dundee with France Tenaille as lead and including Ian Mitchell, among others.
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