On August 22, 2022, PeopleInsight, a provider of workplace analytics software headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario, was acquired by HireRoad, a global talent management software company based in Arlington, Virginia.

PeopleInsight's out-of-the-box solution connects all relevant HR, talent, and people data sources, including Workday, Oracle, HireRoad, Taleo, ADP, SAP Successfactors, Greenhouse, Jobvite, and even home-grown solutions to deliver a configurable HR data cloud, personalized to the customer's specific needs and business priorities.
The acquisition of PeopleInsight enhances the value of HireRoad's automated talent management platform by both adding advanced data analytics features to the core platform and allowing customers to pull in data from other third-party systems to access new insights.
Gowling WLG advised PeopleInsight with respect to this acquisition with a team led by Derek Keay and that included Carole Chouinard (tax), Melanie Polowin (employment), Steve Cross (IP) and Martin Roy (corporate).