Mandats représentatifs
Project financing for six ground mounted solar power plants in France: Gowling WLG alongside the lender
Gowling WLG France advised Crédit du Nord acting as lender and arranger regarding the financing of the construction of six ground mounted solar plants in the communes of Arandon, Billy, Surgères, Burlats and Til-Châtel.
This transaction, led by ib Vogt GmbH, an international solar developer and independent power producer (IPP) headquartered in Germany, is being set up to finance the construction and operation of six ground mounted photovoltaic power plants in the Isère, Loit-et-Cher, Tarn, Charente-Maritime and Côte-d'Or departments, which will develop a total aggregated capacity of 56,600 KWp, for a total maximum financing of EUR 44.4 million.
Gowling WLG, with Antoine Pampouille, partner advised the Arranger on the negotiation of the financing with Julie Vuagnoux, counsel, for the project documents due diligence.
Adaltys Avocats, with Marie-Christine Combes, partner and Roseny Dugachard, associate, advised ib Vogt.
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