Wendy J. Wagner
Cochef, groupe national Cybersécurité et protection des données; chef, Commerce international et douanes
Webinaires sur demande
Join Gowling WLG, a leading global infrastructure law firm, and StrategyCorp, a leading Canadian government relations firm, for a webinar on the potential impacts of tariffs on construction projects in Canada—from increased costs and supply chain disruptions to contractual disputes and project delays.
The U.S. has indicated that it is moving forward with plans to impose tariffs on goods imported from Canada, and Canada has confirmed that it will retaliate with tariffs of our own. This will have an immediate, direct and significant impact on construction and infrastructure projects in Canada, whether the project is in the early planning stages, in procurement or already underway. Attend our session for key insights on mitigating risk and staying resilient in this volatile trade environment.
Guest speakers:
This session is eligible for up to 1 hour of substantive CPD credits with the LSO, the LSBC and the Barreau du Québec.
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