As a subset of our Canadian Energy Podcast Series, we have teamed up with Navigator Ltd., a noted Canadian public relations, crises management, lobbying and polling company, on an exciting new content venture. Part 2 focus the importance and the opportunity of electric vehicles as a piece of Canada's energy transition.

In this second episode, Lorne Rollheiser, head of Gowling WLG's Oil & Gas Group, and Jason Hatcher, managing principle at Navigator Ltd., with guest Cara Clairman, president of Plug'n Drive, focus on the importance and the opportunity of electric vehicles as a piece of Canada's energy transition.

About the series

As a subset of our Canadian Energy Podcast Series, we have teamed up with Navigator Ltd., a noted Canadian public relations, crises management, lobbying and polling company, on an exciting new content venture. Together, we have produced The Energy Exchange, a series of four 30-minute podcasts that will explore the unprecedented energy transformation underway in Canada. The first of the series was released on March 1, 2022, and subsequent podcasts will be released weekly.

Listen to episode 1:  Energy transformation in Canada »

Listen to episode 3: Courting climate change »

Listen to episode 4: The pragmatic middle »