Prix et distinctions
Acritas recognises Gowling WLG professionals as "star lawyers"
Thirty-four Gowling WLG lawyers have been recognised in the prestigious new Acritas Stars database.
Acritas is a leading market analysis and research brand in the legal sector, offering an international depth of insight to help clients succeed.
As part of its research, Acritas carries out an 18-month long global survey called Sharplegal, in which nearly 4000 general counsel are asked to nominate a "stand-out lawyer" that they have worked with, explaining why they have nominated that person. Nominees are distinguished for their expertise, commercial mindedness, response times and dedication to client service.
Those nominated are named "Acritas Stars" and featured in an exclusive Acritas database.
This year's Gowling WLG "Acritas Stars" comprises professionals from Canada, the UK, France, Russia and the UAE, who together span the firm's key sectors.