Gowling WLG is extremely proud to have successfully achieved Mansfield Certification - a structured process designed to create inclusive leadership opportunities for all qualified lawyers.

Mansfield UK Certification, awarded by Diversity Lab, measures the structural changes and steps firms have taken over the past year to ensure the paths to leadership – including lateral hiring, client pitch teams, promotions, appointments, and more – are open and transparent to all qualified lawyers.

This scientific and data-driven approach to boosting inclusion and equity embeds accountability, clarity, and knowledge sharing into talent practices. Data scientists have shown that participating in Mansfield leads to more equitable professional development opportunities, and ultimately a more diverse leadership.

Gowling WLG was one of the first law firms in the UK to sign up to work towards Mansfield accreditation. Over the last year the firm has worked diligently to ensure the Mansfield rule is factored in to existing processes as much as possible. This includes considering broad slates of qualified talent for leadership roles that include at least 30% women lawyers, underrepresented racial and ethnic lawyers, LGBTQ+ lawyers, and lawyers with disabilities.

Andy Stylianou, chair at Gowling WLG (UK) LLP and board lead on diversity, equality and inclusion, said: "We are extremely proud to be one of the first UK law firms to make a commitment to work towards achieving Mansfield Certification, and to have now done so is fantastic.

"Our firm is, and always has been, passionate about ensuring we are a workplace that provides opportunities for everyone. There is still much more work the legal industry needs to do to be more diverse, and we are committed to doing as much as we can to increase opportunities for underrepresented groups and to continue to build our teams to reflect the diversity of our clients and communities while providing exceptional service."

Find out more about diversity, equality and inclusion at Gowling WLG here.