In a recent article in the Institute of Corporate Directors' Director Journal, Liane Langstaff discusses how corporations are increasingly adopting a more holistic approach to the management of biodiversity risk – not only within their own operations but also throughout their entire supply chain.

"We've always focused on 'thou shalt not kill' a species but I think the next stage is a recognition that we've lost a lot of species and habitats already, so what are you doing as a business to restore, to be a good corporate steward, but also, to think strategically so that you are furthering the ecosystem services you need for your business?"

View the full article at the link below (subscriber only):

About Gowling WLG's Climate Change and Environmental Law Group

Gowling WLG's Canadian Climate Change and Environmental Law Group combines the strength and flexibility of a global, full-service law firm with the expertise and quality of service of a boutique environmental practice. We help clients anticipate new developments in environmental law, delivering practical advice and effective representation that helps clients address environmental issues as they arise. Learn more about Gowling WLG's Climate Change and Environmental Law Group.