Orennia raises US$25 million in Series B financing

1 minutes de lecture
11 juillet 2023

On July 11, 2023, Orennia Inc. announced the completion of its Series B financing, raising US$25 million to accelerate the growth of its best-in-class data and analytics platform.

The investment highlights Orennia's differentiated solution for the energy transition with insights across the renewables, storage, clean fuels and decarbonization sectors. Orennia helps increase returns for the most sophisticated developers, investors, bankers and corporations by providing up-to-date and reliable energy transition analytics.

Gowling WLG advised one of the investors with respect to this transaction with a team that included Zafar Jaffer (transaction lead), Simanpreet Panaych (corporate) and Lorne Segal (client relationship), with the assistance of student-at-law Sana Khan.

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