What is the current trajectory of The Pensions Regulator?

47 minutes de lecture
31 janvier 2020


In this joint webinar, experts from Gowling WLG and First Actuarial discuss the current trajectory of the Pensions Regulator, with a particular focus on:

  • the Pensions Regulator's direction of travel over recent years;
  • "clearer, quicker, tougher" - the Pensions Regulator's 2019 funding statement, and how that is impacting in practice on scheme sponsors and trustees of occupational pension schemes;
  • recent themes and case study examples from both employers and trustees' perspectives; and
  • practical steps for employees and trustees.

The webinar is presented by Liz Gane and Liz Wood who are both senior members of Gowling WLG's pensions team, along with Marcos Abreu, a senior actuary from First Actuarial.

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