24th Annual patents law case review

115 minutes de lecture
17 février 2022

The 24th Annual Patent law case review took take place on 10th February 2022.

2021 was another blockbuster year for patent law. In our Annual Patents webinar we reviewed and summarised the patent cases, including the first full year of judgments from Meade J, the early judgments of Mellor J, and Birss LJ's first foray into the Court of Appeal. This has been a big year for detailed cases on a wide range of topics and technology – from AI to seed drills! Of course, we have identified the 2021 Judge of the Year, with some new contenders in the running this time.

Ailsa Carter took us through a Statistical Review and this year, we are joined by Seiko Hidaka who gave her summary of the year's SEP/FRAND activity – of where there has been a great deal.

Christopher Freeth takes us through what to look out for in the courts in 2022, with some very interesting patents appeals coming down the tracks.

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