Cyber security – a practical guide for pension scheme trustees

55 minutes de lecture
02 novembre 2022


Cyber security is an ever-present and growing risk for pension scheme trustees. This is not just a "techy" risk that can be eliminated with firewalls and anti-virus software. It is a risk that requires robust governance procedures and is an increasing area of focus for the Pensions Regulator, including through the upcoming Single Code of Practice.

Ben Goldby, Principal Associate (Pensions) at Gowling WLG chairs this discussion on how pension scheme trustees can tackle this threat. Ben is joined by Helen Davenport, Partner (Data Protection and Cyber Security) at Gowling WLG, and Grant Suckling, Trustee Director from Ross Trustees.

Our panel explores …

  • The regulatory landscape and expectations on trustees
  • The sources of cyber risk
  • Practical guidance on assessing and mitigating the threat
  • How to effectively monitor the risk on an ongoing basis
  • Identifying and responding to attacks

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