Protecting cleantech inventions in Canada

with Jeffrey Coles and Jeanette Jackson, CEO of Foresight Canada

27 minutes de lecture
16 février 2022

Gowling WLG Speaker:

How do you commercialize an idea in Canada's cleantech sector? Step one: protect it.

Jeffrey Coles, a partner in Gowling WLG's Calgary office, recently sat down with Jeanette Jackson, CEO of Foresight Canada, a leading Canadian cleantech accelerator, to discuss a range of topics related to the protection of cleantech inventions, including:

  • How protecting your intellectual property can remove barriers in the process of commercialization;
  • Common misconceptions about the process of protecting your IP; and
  • What to do if you find yourself the target of a patent troll.

This is part of Foresight Canada's ongoing Cleantech Forward podcast series, supported by Gowling WLG.

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Gowling WLG Speaker

Gowling WLG Speaker

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