Gowling WLG's award-winning Patent team has gained recognition in the market for a significant patent win for client TQ Delta LLC.

The case related to infringement of technology development and licencing firm TQ Delta's Digital Subscriber Line technology. In a judgment handed down on Monday 18 March 2019 the High Court held that the ZyXEL defendants had infringed and continue to infringe the patent. The Court also found that a second patent would have also been essential and infringed but was invalid.

In its ruling, the Court granted what we believe is the first-ever "immediate injunction" following a finding of infringement of a Standard Essential Patent.

Abha Divine, Managing Director of TQ Delta said: "These decisions re-affirm the high quality of our patented inventions, which we believe represent important, foundational IP for the communications industry resulting from years long participation in the ITU standards setting committee."

Alexandra Brodie, IP partner at Gowling WLG, added: "This is TQ Delta's first action in the UK and is a significant win, reinforcing the importance of TQ Delta's DSL portfolio."

Our highly specialist team of IP lawyers involved: Alexandra Brodie, David Barron, Matt Hervey, Michael Carter, Tom Foster, Jamie Holland, Rebecca Limer, James Stunt, Lara Pentreath, Josh Sheppard, Charlotte Dean, Brett van der Merwe, Traci, Lucy, Ann and Debbi Huggins.