International business

As you expand beyond borders there are often different opportunities, risks and legislation to consider. Our guides will help you navigate the challenge of doing business internationally.

Doing business in the UAE

The Middle East is a fast-growing region, and the UAE is strategically located in the Arabian Peninsula, sharing borders with Saudi Arabia and Oman. Historically reliant on oil and gas, the UAE has spent the past decade diversifying its economy into other sectors, including tourism, institutional investments, and real estate. The UAE is quickly becoming a global commercial hub with increasingly liberal economic policies.

Our business guide explores the challenges and opportunities presented by the United Arab Emirates market, the legal system, foreign investment incentives and restrictions, along with top tips for establishing a business. If you would like to speak to anyone from Gowling WLG about this guide, please contact Tim Casben.

Download our doing business in United Arab Emirates guide

The guide explores the challenges and opportunities presented by the United Arab Emirates market, the legal system, foreign investment incentives and restrictions, along with top tips for establishing a business.
