From the 1990s – when Gowling WLG built its first fully automated practice in-house – through the present, our firm stands at the forefront of innovation in law, from improving processes to incorporating new technologies to transforming the practice of law and beyond. Above all, our objective is to solve real world problems and address our clients’ actual business needs. So, many of our award-winning innovation solutions have come directly from our lawyers, seeking better ways to deliver our services to meet our clients’ changing needs. To facilitate innovation and adoption, cross-disciplinary teams of our lawyers and allied professionals work together to move good ideas from concept to cross-platform implementation adeptly and swiftly.

Naturally, we use a wide range of methods and technologies – driving ideation and collaboration using Design Thinking, and utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing, machine learning, document assembly, workflow automation and more.

Gowling WLG also has a long history of collaborating with technology start-ups to co-develop new practice technologies. At the same time, our forward-leaning inclination has led us to create our own internal software development capabilities so that, in the absence of an off-the-shelf solution, we are equipped to build customized solutions to meet clients’ needs.

Whether we are applying existing cutting-edge technology solutions or implementing our own, our approach to innovation mirrors our approach to all we do: we focus on discovering new and better ways to deliver a great client experience.