On Nov. 10, 2015, Gowlings and the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCI) hosted the first Gowlings-OCI Nuclear Supply Chain Symposium. Legal and business leaders in the global nuclear sector presented on a range of key topics during the day-long workshop, including:

  • Current opportunities to participate in domestic and international nuclear projects;
  • How to prepare your business to join the nuclear supply chain;
  • Procurement best practices and what buyers are really looking for;
  • What you need from companies purchasing your services; and
  • How the project contracting model impacts your bottom line — including how exposure to litigation can affect your ability to deliver on a project.

Below are the available presentations from the Symposium. Please note, these do not constitute a legal opinion or other professional advice. The views and opinions expressed by external speakers are not necessarily shared by Gowlings.

For more information, please contact Cindy Kou at cindy.kou@gowlingwlg.com.


Panel 1: International Procurement Challenges and Opportunities  Perspectives from an International Nuclear Project Builder

Panel 2: International Procurement Challenges and Opportunities  Perspectives from an International Nuclear Project Developer

Panel 3: International Procurement Challenges and Opportunities  Perspectives from the Argentine Supply Chain

Panel 4: Domestic Procurement in Canada (Ontario) Challenges and Opportunities

Panel 5: Contracting Models: Understanding the Difference Between the International Model and the British Model

Panel 7: Financing Nuclear Projects