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Real estate & urban development

Real estate is a broad category that covers buying, selling, developing, leasing and financing across a wide range of sectors - from mining, forestry, and oil and gas to light-to-heavy industrial, commercial, residential, recreational, institutional, retail, office, condominiums, subdivisions, urban development, brownfields and mixed-use developments. As a result, Canada attracts a range of business and individual investors from far and wide seeking to invest in the country's varied real estate assets.

  1. Foreign investment
  2. Investment vehicles
  3. Acquisitions
  4. Due diligence
  5. Land-use planning and development
  6. Leasing
  7. Financing
  8. Environmental concerns
  9. Environmental risk assessment
  10. Real estate broker and mortgage broker legislation

1. Foreign investment

Understanding the principal issues involved in acquiring, developing, leasing and/or financing real property in Canada is critical for foreign investors looking to properly assess the risks and rewards associated with any proposed investment.

The provinces have primary responsibility for property law in Canada. In all provinces except Québec property law has developed through the English common law process. In Québec, property law is governed by the Civil Code of Québec, which is derived from the Napoleonic Code.

Interests in land are generally held in fee simple or by a leasehold interest. Condominium or strata title ownership is also common throughout Canada. All provinces maintain a registry of public land titles whereby interests in land are registered and may be verified. Canada has highly sophisticated land registration systems in place in each province to deal with the ownership of real property.

2. Investment vehicles

There are several legal structures through which to invest in Canadian real estate, including:

  • Personal ownership
  • A corporation (either federally or provincially incorporated)
  • General partnership
  • Limited partnership
  • Co-ownership (often referred to as a "joint venture")
  • Trust
  • Real estate investment trust
  • Or any combination of the above

The choice of an appropriate investment structure will be influenced by several factors, including liability issues and business considerations, as well as the rules and regulations governing each foreign investor's home country. Tax planning requirements are another important consideration, and foreign investors would be wise to seek tax planning advice before purchasing real property in Canada in order to minimize tax consequences and maximize benefits.

3. Acquisitions and dispositions

a. Acquisitions

To acquire commercial real estate in Canada, parties often begin with a letter of intent followed by a binding agreement of purchase and sale.

Notwithstanding what the parties call their document, any such agreement should contain all necessary business terms for the transaction, including the description of the land, purchase price, deposit(s), closing date, title and/or due diligence periods, representations and warranties, and any other special terms and conditions that the parties agree to. It is always advisable to have a lawyer review any preliminary deal document, such as an offer or agreement of purchase and sale, before it is signed or becomes a binding obligation.

When purchasing, it is important to seek advice with respect to the various federal, provincial and municipal taxes that may be exigible in connection with a particular transaction, such as land transfer tax, withholding tax for foreign investors, income tax, harmonized and provincial sales tax, capital gains tax, foreign buyer taxes, vacancy taxes, and many others. It is important to have local professionals involved in your real estate transactions.

b. Dispositions

Whether you are buying or selling, it is important to include all of the critical business terms in the letter of intent or agreement of purchase and sale. Certain Canadian cities or regions have established real estate boards that provide standard form agreements of purchase and sale, as well as other precedent agreements.

While using these types of standard form agreements is appropriate for residential purposes, for more sophisticated acquisitions and dispositions it is wise to consider longer form agreements. These forms address many more issues, including the allocation of the purchase price among the real property, building and chattels (if any), conditions precedent for either or both of the buyer and the seller, GST/HST exemption status of the real estate or the buyer, scope of representations and warranties, scope and limitations on due diligence and deliveries, and allocation of responsibilities.

4. Due diligence

Once the agreement of purchase and sale is signed, it is generally the responsibility of the purchaser (usually through its legal counsel) to conduct due diligence concerning the property being acquired. This includes acquiring the title to the real estate and any personal property assets as part of the agreement of purchase and sale, and performing other due diligence activities with respect to any number of the following:

  • Off-title enquiries
  • Adjoining lands searches
  • Environmental investigations
  • Heritage designations
  • Survey and lease reviews
  • Road access and water boundaries
  • Zoning compliance
  • Utilities
  • Conservation authority
  • Registered and unregistered easements
  • Municipal agreements
  • Airport zoning bylaws

In addition, when purchasing a building or structure, it is also prudent to conduct structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing investigations with appropriate consultants and advisors.

5. Land-use planning and development

In Canada, provincial and municipal land-use planning legislation, bylaws and regulations control the manner in which real estate is developed. Although land-use planning is the responsibility of the provincial government and is supervised at the provincial level, significant planning functions have been delegated to regional and municipal governments. Land use is controlled through instruments such as the official plan, a long-range general plan for a region or municipality, and zoning bylaws, which regulate the permitted uses for each parcel of land within the municipality along with a range of other matters (such as parking requirements and the type, size, height, and location of buildings and structures).

For purchasers of land, both the official plan and particular zoning bylaws are crucial. Most municipalities require that site plans be approved before the construction of any new development begins. Site plans set out the details of a development - including the location of buildings and related facilities, such as landscaping, services, driveways and parking spaces. Most municipalities require that developers enter into an agreement ensuring construction and ongoing maintenance in accordance with the site plans.

Land-use planning legislation not only affects the subdivision and transfer of land, but it also often applies to long-term leases and rights that are given over, or in connection, with land. In Ontario, for example, any subdivision of land requires the consent of the local committee of adjustment or subdivision control committee, pursuant to the Planning Act (Ontario). This requirement also applies to mortgages, as well as the granting of any other interest in land (such as a lease), for 21 years or more (inclusive of renewals) where the mortgage or interest is granted over only part of a landholding. The failure to obtain such consent when otherwise required will result in the failure of the deed, mortgage or lease to create any interest in the real property. Although there are a number of exemptions to the consent requirement, most contracts for the purchase of real property in Ontario are made subject to any required consent, and the cost and responsibility for obtaining such consent is usually allocated to the vendor.

The construction of new projects is also subject to provincial and municipal legislation. In addition to regulating the maintenance of existing structures, building codes set specific standards for the construction of buildings. Before construction commences, most municipalities require building permits, payment of any applicable fees and confirmation that the property developer has obtained all necessary regulatory approvals.

Development projects are often informed by the type of planning tenure, such as a single lot, a highrise, a plan of subdivision or the formation of a condominium/strata development. These distinctions have bearings not only on the planning approval process and timeline but also the manner in which the land can be parceled, developed, sold and invested.

6. Leasing

Leasing is a complex area and it is crucial to find legal professionals who are familiar with specialized leases for unique sectors such as technology, renewable energy, hotel and accommodation, logistics and transportation, etc. There are several ways to lease property in Canada.

a. Ground leases

One form of leasing arrangement is a long-term ground lease, in which a tenant leases vacant land and develops it. Once the development is complete, the ground tenant sublets space to retail, office or industrial tenants (depending on the type of development). Ground leasehold interests may be bought and sold in a manner similar to fee simple property interests.

b. Commercial, industrial and retail leasing

In Canada, most commercial office and retail space, as well as much of the standard industrial space, is available only through a commercial lease. Most commercial lease transactions start with an offer or agreement to lease. Unlike in the United States, an offer or agreement to lease is typically a binding agreement that contains the business terms agreed upon by the parties, including the space, term, rent and any tenant inducements.

Most commercial leases in Canada are typically on a net/net rental basis, which requires tenants to pay, in addition to basic rent, a proportionate share of the realty taxes, insurance, utilities and other maintenance charges commercial buildings typically incur. In a retail lease, a tenant may also be required to pay rent based on a percentage of its annual gross sales.

c. Institutional leasing

Many institutional, public or regulated projects often include leasing as part of their operations, such as universities, colleges, hospitals, airports and care facilities. This can include retirement homes, fractionalized resort properties, life lease communities, care homes and shelters/hostels. While often initiated or held by or for public institutions, these are also more frequently developed on a for-profit or investment basis and require specialized leases.

d. Residential leasing

Residential leases are regulated by provincial legislation. In some cases, the applicable provincial legislation will override the terms of the lease agreement, regardless of the intention of the parties. In some provinces, for instance, even a landlord's ability to increase residential rent is limited by provincial regulation.

7. Financing

a. Sources of financing

Most real estate financing is arranged through institutional lenders such as banks, credit unions, caisses populaires, insurance companies, trust companies and pension funds. However, there are also a number of non-institutional and private lenders that lend money in the Canadian financial market. As is the case in other countries, credit terms will vary from lender to lender and will depend on the nature of the transaction and the risks involved.

The Canadian banking system is widely considered the safest and most efficient in the world, ranking as the world's soundest banking system for the past several years according to reports by the World Economic Forum. The banking and lending industry in Canada is highly regulated, with a number of federal (and occasionally provincial) statutes governing it, such as the Bank Act, Trust and Loan Companies Act, Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994, and the Insurance Companies Act. The strength of Canada's banking regulatory regime was especially lauded in the most recent debt crisis.

b. Interest rates

Interest rates on real estate financings can be either fixed for a specified period of time, or variable, based on a "prime rate" determined by the lending institution on a periodic basis. The prime rate is based on a rate announced by the Bank of Canada from time to time. A borrower may consider borrowing in other currencies and has a choice of interest rate pricing, including applicable Government of Canada Bond Rates or the Secure Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR). Certain fees, such as commitment and processing fees, are normally charged by lenders. Typically, it will be the borrower's responsibility to pay for all of the lender's legal and other costs in arranging property financing. The Interest Act of Canada dictates, among other things, how interest rates are to be presented to the public to ensure fairness and transparency.

c. Primary and collateral security

Lenders, whether they are financial institutions or third-party arm's-length lenders, usually take both primary and collateral security in real property and related assets to secure the loan. Typical primary security includes a mortgage or charge, a debenture containing a fixed charge on real property or - in some cases where more than one lender is involved - a trust deed securing mortgage bonds or debentures (and including a specific charge over real property). Collateral security often includes general and/or specific assignments of leases and rents, general security agreements, assignments of contracts and insurance policies, and personal guarantees.

d. Foreign lenders

Because many foreign lenders in Canada are subsidiaries of the world's major banks, they typically participate by way of syndicated loans, which are often arranged by major Canadian lending institutions. However, there are also Canadian lenders who participate in syndicate lending as well.  Whether lending through a syndicate or directly, foreign lenders may be subject to certain withholding and other taxes on the interest paid to them. Private syndicated loans may also be subject to provincial licensing or securities laws. 

8. Environmental concerns

Canada's environmental legislation is both sophisticated and advanced due to the country's abundant natural resources. All levels of government have enacted detailed statutes, laws, regulations, bylaws, guidelines and recommendations concerning the protection of the environment. These laws attribute liability for environmental damage to both property owners and polluters of the environment. Tenants often make the mistake of assuming that, since they do not own a property, they are not liable; however, in some provinces and jurisdictions, merely being in occupation, management or control of real property may attribute liability.

A property owner has certain duties and obligations relating to the discharge of contaminants and hazardous materials into the environment from its property. They must also note that liabilities associated with improper waste management practices can be inherited by subsequent owners of a property.

9. Environmental risk assessment

Purchasers should assess the environmental risks associated with the purchase of a property. In Canada, government officials do not "certify" that a property is free from such risks. Rather, purchasers can ascertain a property's environmental status by inspecting applicable company and public records. In many cases, a purchaser will want to do an "environmental audit," which may include conducting scientific testing and a technical analysis of the property. Lending institutions often require such an audit before advancing any funds.

The conducting, delivery and review of environmental audits can be a complex area. One should ensure that the consultants retained to do the environmental investigations are approved by the recipient of the report (e.g. the lender or municipality); otherwise, the investigation may not be accepted and will have to be conducted again.

10. Real estate broker and mortgage broker legislation

Generally, a person who wishes to dispose of or acquire real estate will seek the assistance of a real estate broker. Real estate brokers are subject to specific regulations in Canada. Each province has legislation that regulates the trade in real estate, which is designed to better protect consumers and instil confidence in the buying and selling of real estate. Provinces have various types of governing bodies that regulate the purchase and sale of real estate, the conduct of real estate agents and the minimum standards for duty of care to the public when engaged in the purchase and sale of real estate.

Mortgage brokers, lenders and administrators are also subject to specific regulations in Canada. These regulations are governed by various pieces of provincial legislation. In Ontario, the Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders and Administrators Act2006 requires all mortgage brokerages, administrators, brokers and agents to obtain a licence to do business in Ontario. Similar legislation either exists or is under consideration in most of the other provinces.

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