The uncertainty unleashed by the pandemic has lead to challenges for businesses and their investors. Financings are being delayed or cancelled, valuations reduced and the size of investment rounds are down. There are opportunities too. Creative businesses and investors are getting deals done. Gowling WLG is hosting a series of webinars designed to explore, analyze and help our clients and friends understand some of the alternate sources of financing available and how to access them. 

While provinces are in the first phase of reopening, many startups are determining the impact of COVID-19 on their business operations and what the "new normal" may look like. For many founders and entrepreneurs the pandemic has lead to the possibility of declining revenues and increased costs which result in an even greater challenge to obtain early stage funding for their innovative businesses. Our panel of experts will provide insight into the resulting financing implications for companies experiencing downward pressure on valuations including discussion on down rounds financings, pay to play scenarios and considerations for directors.

CPD/CLE Details

LSO: This program is eligible for up to 1 hour of Substantive content
Quebec: A certificate of attendance will be issued to professionals after this session
LSBC: This program is eligible for up to 1 hour toward the LSBC's CPD requirement
LSAB: This program is eligible for up to 1 hour of credit toward the CPD program