Pro bono services

 For over a century, Gowling WLG has provided pro bono legal services in communities across Canada to those who need them most.

Our pro bono clients include charities, community organizations and individuals who are marginalized or disadvantaged, and without means to obtain legal counsel. Gowling WLG also performs legal services at no charge in support of organizations that advocate for the public good in matters of broad public concern.

Some of the organizations we've worked with on a pro bono basis include:

Let's begin a conversation

To learn more about our pro bono program in Canada, please contactErin Farrell, Partner, Chair – Pro Bono Program, Gowling WLG (Canada) LLP

Current initiatives

True ID Initiative: For many members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community, the process of engaging a legal professional from a "big law firm" can often feel quite scary and impersonal. Through the True ID Initiative, our goal is to make the gender marker and name change process more accessible and affordable.

Since fall 2018, Gowling WLG's billing professionals have been working in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity (CCGSD), on a pro bono basis, to support and champion members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community who wish to have their name change forms, gender designation forms and affidavits commissioned or notarized by a legal professional.

While the initiative originally focused on communities in Ontario, our team of legal professionals is currently working to expand access to these important services to all provinces where Gowling WLG has offices, with a goal of serving transgender and gender diverse individuals' in all provinces and territories across Canada.

To make things easy, you can access the CCGSD website for a comprehensive Gender Marker Guide, including relevant designation forms by province.

For more information, or to access these pro bono services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Learn more about the True ID Initiative


** NOTE: Gowling WLG will not be providing any comprehensive legal advice or services as part of this initiative. If you require legal advice or services, please contact a lawyer in your jurisdiction.

Making an impact in our communities

At every level of our organization and across every office around the world, our professionals and staff have a personal commitment to giving back to the communities in which they live and work.

It's why we've been recognized multiple times with the CIBC's 'Spirit of Leadership' Community Award, bestowed annually to partner organizations that demonstrate distinctive corporate giving and community spirit.

We regularly donate our time and resources to a wide variety of social, health, community and legal causes, including: