Michael Crichton
Agent de brevets
For today's innovators looking to keep ahead of the competition, trade secrets can be an alluring option for their seeming simplicity and efficiency. However, the protection they offer is not without its risks – from sophisticated cyber security threats to complex regulatory hurdles across different jurisdictions.
To help you navigate this area with confidence and determine whether trade secret protection is right for your next invention, Gowling WLG's global IP team recently launched a live webinar series titled: Lifecycle of a Smart Idea, which offers a range of international perspectives in its exploration of IP strategy in today's fast-paced innovation sphere.
As a useful complement to the second installment of the series, titled Trade Secrets - The what, how and where of international protection and scheduled for June 3, below we catalogue our team's thought leadership on the topic of trade secrets published since 2017.
More detailed information on trade secrets can be found in the articles and podcasts below:
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