Jada Perkins
The Alberta Government's pause on approving renewable energy projects in the province[1] ended on February 29, 2024 when the Generation Approvals Pause Regulation expired.
On February 28, 2024, Premier Danielle Smith and Utilities Minister Nathan Neudorf announced details of proposed policy changes that are intended to support the ongoing economic, orderly and efficient development of electricity generation in Alberta.[2]
Shortly after the pause began, the Alberta Utilities Commission ("AUC") established two modules to consider issues relating to renewable energy project development in the province.
Module A focused on land use issues identified by the Government's order-in-council, including in particular:[3]
Module B is ongoing. It will assess the impact that the increasing growth of renewable projects has on the generation supply mix and the reliability of the electricity system in the province.[4]
While no formal policies have been released, the February 28, 2024 announcement noted significant key changes:
Before the end of 2024, the Government of Alberta intends to bring forward policy, legislative and regulatory changes to set a clear and responsible path forward for renewable power project development.
The Government of Alberta will be working with multiple ministries, including those responsible for environmentally protected areas, forestry and parks, and tourism, to develop a definition of "pristine viewscapes". The Government identified that, currently, the Foothills and Rockies are "fairly significant" and that the provincial park boundaries will be the starting point of the 35-kilometer buffer zone.
Security for reclamation costs
One of the most anticipated components of these policy changes are the requirements to post security for reclamation costs. The Government identified that it has additional work to do with the AUC and key stakeholders in determining how the security bonds for reclamation are to be paid and held. "These are the nuanced questions we are seeking to determine… there have been recommendations by municipalities that the funds be held with the Government" because there have been issues where a landowner or company holds the fund, and the ownership changes or dissolution of such company occurs. The Government's goal is to have the funds accessible in these situations.
The Government noted that it is aware of the financial barriers of up-front security and clarified that its objective is to ensure project proponents are making annual financial contributions to their reclamation funds. When combined with compounding interest on posted security funds, this approach is intended to ensure that at the end of a project's life there will be enough money to reclaim the land, regardless of any ownership changes. The Government noted that the overall goal of the security structure for reclamation funds will be to ensure any liabilities follow the respective asset for the duration of its life.
Whether security for reclamation must be posted at the outset of the project's construction is yet to be determined. The Government noted that it is considering a number of possibilities but "is first seeking to find the best evaluation and extent" of the financial needs of current reclamation for existing or in-progress renewable energy projects. The Government will be working with the industry to determine the best way to approach reclamation costs in order to provide more specificity as quickly as possible on this component of the new policies.
Further to the Government's commitment to enhance the visual impact assessment requirements, the AUC is required as of March 1, 2024 to conduct site visits for proposed renewable power projects. The 35km buffer applies to wind turbines, as they have a sizable vertical footprint. However, the Minister noted that other energy projects may trigger a visual assessment if they are within these buffer-zones.
For example, projects on a ridge are far more visible than those in a valley or bluff, and this is what the AUC has been asked to look at with site visits in order to more accurately determine the visual impact. These visual impact assessments will be ordered by the AUC on a case-by-case basis.
The Government has stated that the application of the 35-kilometer buffer zone to other natural resource projects, including mining, coal, logging, oil and natural gas, will be left in the hands of the respective regulators in those industries to determine whether similar zoning requirements will be applied to those projects.
Ultimately, the new policies are intended to be "a new lens to look at projects pending approvals." These policies will be applied on a go-forward basis and projects currently pending approval from the AUC are "expected to proceed on pace." These policies are meant to ensure that the expectations of the AUC with respect to siting of renewable energy projects are clear and accessible to everyone.
The Minister stated that "providing investors with certainty and clarity is non-negotiable for our government." These changes are noted to "only continue to strengthen investor certainty in Alberta and provide clear expectations for agriculture and energy stakeholders" so that investors can confidently commit to investing in Alberta.
Our team is monitoring this situation and will provide updates relating to the upcoming policy changes as they are released. If you have questions or inquiries with respect to the renewable energy project landscape in Alberta, please contact any of our team members or the authors of this article.
[1] Generation Approvals Pause Regulation, Alta Reg 108/2023.
[2] https://www.auc.ab.ca/featured/auc-inquiry-into-the-ongoing-economic-orderly-and-efficient-development-of-electricity-generation-in-alberta-module-b/ [AUC Inquiry – Module B].
[3] https://www.auc.ab.ca/featured/auc-inquiry-into-the-ongoing-economic-orderly-and-efficient-development-of-electricity-generation-in-alberta/ [AUC Inquiry – Module A].
[4] AUC Inquiry – Module B.
[5] YourAlberta (Government of Alberta), "Renewed path forward for renewable energy – February 28, 2024 at 11:30AM" (February 28, 2024), at 22:00, online (video), <youtube.com> [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpGf1CvdNu4].
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