Gowling WLG helps Equiom secure increased debt finance package to support growth

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The Equiom Group (Equiom), the leading international trust and corporate services provider, has secured a substantial increase to its debt finance package with the help of international law firm Gowling WLG.

The new package follows a period of sustained growth which has seen Equiom meet and exceed its five-year plan in just 30 months.

Corporate partner Andy Stylianou led the Gowling WLG team which advised on the negotiation and agreement of the new banking club. Andy worked with partner Kirsty Barnes, principal associate Ed Hall and associate Mehdi Shakarchi in the Banking & Finance team, and corporate paralegal Chelsie Taylor.

The capital raised will support investment in Equiom's infrastructure and allow the business to further its growth strategy, on which Gowling WLG has worked with Equiom for over ten years.

Sheila Dean, Equiom's Global Chief Executive Officer, said: "We have experienced significant growth over the past two and a half years, exceeding our expectations, and have completed a number of successful acquisitions, both in Europe and Asia. Andy and the team at Gowling WLG have been by our side every step of the way with commercially-focused legal advice."

Andy added: "We look forward to working with Equiom as its strategy of organic and acquisitive growth continues. As it invests in its global infrastructure the focus and drive of the Equiom team is relentless."

M&G and Lloyds Bank plc join RBS and Santander in the banking club. LDC, Equiom's equity partner, continues to support the management team in achieving its global ambitions.

Gowling WLG's 60-strong Corporate team has extensive experience across the full spectrum of corporate advice including equity capital markets on AIM and the Full List, investment funds, private equity and both public and private mergers and acquisitions.

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