La Nation Piikani acquiert une participation majoritaire dans la ligne de transport d'électricité traversant ses terres auprès d'AltaLink (en anglais)

2 minutes de lecture

Effective June 1, 2019, Piikani Nation acquired a 51% equity stake in the electricity transmission line and associated substation equipment crossing their land from AltaLink, Alberta's largest electricity transmission provider.

An application from AltaLink and the Piikani Nation (through its nominee) for a new limited partnership - PiikaniLink L.P. - to acquire AltaLink's transmission assets on the Piikani Nation's land was approved by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) on November 13, 2018. The parties completed the commercial arrangements effective June 1, 2019.

The investment provides the Piikani Nation an opportunity to earn a regulated rate of return while AltaLink will continue to maintain and operate the transmission line as general partner of the PiikaniLink L.P.

The Piikani Nation is a proud member of the Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksikaitsitapi) which consists of Kainai, Siksika and Amskapi Piikani. The Piikani Nation has retained its culture, heritage and language by incorporating Piikanissini, which is the way of life for the Piikani. Piikani sets out its inherent values and principles of the Akaa Piikani, the ancient Piikani people.

Gowling WLG advised the Piikani Nation with respect to both the creation of the limited partnership and the acquisition with a team that included Caireen Hanert and Elizabeth Burton.

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