SOL Global réalise l'acquisition de 3 Boys Farms en achetant CannCure Investments (en anglais)

2 minutes de lecture
08 avril 2019

On April 8, 2019, SOL Global Investments Corp. (CSE: SOL) (OTCQB: SOLCF) (Frankfurt: 9SB) announced the completion of its acquisition of CannCure Investments Inc. for a purchase price of approximately US$41.2 million.

Canncure Investments is a privately-held Ontario corporation that indirectly holds 100% of 3 Boys Farms, LLC, a Florida limited liability company with a Florida state license to cultivate, process and dispense medical marijuana and 40,000 square feet of fully-operational greenhouses.

SOL Global is an international investment company with a focus on, but not limited to, cannabis and cannabis-related companies in legal U.S. states, the hemp and CBD marketplaces and the emerging European cannabis and hemp marketplaces. Its strategic investments and partnerships across cultivation, distribution and retail complement the company's R&D program with the University of Miami. It is this comprehensive approach that is positioning SOL Global as a future frontrunner in the United States' medical cannabis industry.

Gowling WLG advised SOL Global in this acquisition with a team that included Peter Simeon, Josh Almario and Stephen Franchetto.

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Sujet(s) similaire(s)   Cannabis, Fusions et acquisitions